Home > Provincial/Territorial Initiatives >Canada
The vision for a pan-Canadian approach to elder abuse was started under the 2008 Federal Elder Abuse Initiative. The Public Health Agency of Canada (2009) and Employment and Skills Development Canada (2012-2015) provided $1M in funding to develop It's Not Right! Neighbours, Friends & Families for Older Adults. New funding in 2019 has provided the means to update the INR website.
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Progress Report:
How are we addressing elder abuse in Canada?
Do we have a national:
Elder Abuse Strategy/Action Plan?
National Elder Abuse Network?
Does it receive annualized government funding?
What department is responsible for seniors?
Employment and Social Development Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada
Current state (updated 04/20):
6 provinces / territories have a provincial/territorial elder abuse strategy
4 provincial / territorial governments fund an elder abuse network
3815 people touched by It’s Not Right!
CNPEA is a pan Canadian network whose mission is to connect people and organizations, foster the exchange of reliable information, and advance program and policy development on issues related to preventing abuse of older adults. CNPEA is a non profit organization.

The Canadian government website provides information on elder abuse:
- Public Health Agency Canada
Provides information about the Federal Elder Abuse Initiative - Employment and Social Development Canada
Provides information on elder abuse awareness - New Horizons: projects