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Home > Provincial/Territorial Initiatives >Newfoundland and Labrador

Abuse of older adults is a serious issue in Canada. Over the years, project investments to address the issue have been made by different levels of government. It's Not Right! is one example. A pan-Canadian approach can help align and build on these investments to improve our current state.

Check out how we are doing coast to coast:

Progress Report:

How are we addressing elder abuse in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Do we have a provincial/territorial:

Elder Abuse Strategy/Action Plan? no

Provincial/Territorial Elder Abuse Network? yes

Does it have annualized government funding? no

Are there local elder abuse networks operating? no

Do they receive government funding? no

What department is responsible for seniors?

Ministry of Children, Seniors and Social Development


Initiated in 1992 as Seniors Resource Centre of Newfoundland and Labrador, the committee received New Horizons funding in 2010 to develop into a provincial network. The inaugural meeting of the Newfoundland and Labrador Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (NLNPEA) was held in October 2011. The Network is an integral part of SeniorsNL’s efforts to address elder abuse in our province.

NLNPEA is part of SeniorsNL and ultimately reports back to the SeniorsNL Board of Directors. SeniorsNL is a non-profit, charitable, voluntary organization administered by a Board of Directors.

NLNPEA is not funded by the NL Government

Newfoundland and Labrador Logo

The NL Government has Adult Protection legislation